Senior AAP leader Manish Sisodia shared a picture of having morning tea with his wife , a day after being released from Tihar Jail on bail. .
This is his first post on X after being granted bail on August 10 by the Supreme Court, which questioned the courts below saying his long custody without trial had deprived him of the right to speedy justice.
Sisodia shared a morning selfie with his wife and a cup of tea on Saturday, August 10.
आज़ादी की सुबह की पहली चाय….. 17 महीने बाद!
वह आज़ादी जो संविधान ने हम सब भारतीयों को जीने के अधिकार की गारंटी के रूप में दी है।
वह आज़ादी जो ईश्वर ने हमें सबके साथ खुली हवा में साँस लेने के लिए दी है।
— Manish Sisodia (@msisodia) August 10, 2024
“First morning tea of independence…..after 17 months!
The freedom that the Constitution has given to all of us Indians as a guarantee of the right to live.
The freedom that God has given us to breathe in the open air with everyone,” he wrote on X.