The trailer of popular Tamil actor Mohan’s upcoming film, Haraa, was released by the makers today. The film marks Mohan’s return to the silver screen after 2008’s Sutta Pazham.
The trailer begins with the mention of a mysterious man the authorities and some powerful men are after, who we soon realise is Mohan’s character. We realise that Mohan is exacting revenge against some evil politicians for the injustice that his daughter had to face.
Directed by Vijay Sri G, Haraa stars Anumol, Charu Haasan, Yogi Babu, Suresh Menon, and Vanitha Vijayakumar in pivotal roles. Rajendran, Anithra Nair, Mime Gopi, Deepa and Singam Puli are also part of the cast.
With music scored by Rashaanth Arwin, the film has editing by Guna and cinematography by Prakash Munusamy Mano Dinakarn, Mohan, and director himself.
Produced by SP Mohan Raj, Haraa is set to release in theatres on June 7.