PM Narendra Modi on 2 day visit to Russia: ‘Agenda will be extensive,’ says Kremlin. Top Updates here

Prime minister Narendra Modi will be in Moscow from July 8 to 9 for the India-Russia Bilateral Summit. Russia said this visit would be very “important” and “full fledged”,with Russia-India relations at its centre.

This year’s India-Russia talks marks the 22nd India-Russia Annual Summit. Modi would be visiting Moscow for the first time ever since the Russia Ukraine war started in February 2022.

Prime Minister Modi’s schedule in Moscow is expected to be an extensive one, said Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov to VGTRK–a Russian state run television channel. The two leaders from Russia and India would be able to have informal talks, said Peskov.

Over the past 10 years, Narendra Modi and Vladimir Putin have met each other 16 times, noted Randhir Jaiswal, spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs, India. The leaders last met in 2022, in Uzbekistan for the SCO summit.

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