Overseas demand lift orthodox tea prices in Kochi auctions

Active participation of exporters and widespread overseas demand has lifted orthodox tea prices at Kochi auction.

The average price realization in sale 20 was up by ₹5 at ₹177 compared to ₹172 in the previous week. Exporters to CIS and Middle East countries were active with some upcountry interest noticed on whole leaf. Of the offered quantity of 1,14,678 kg, the sold percentage was 91, the auctioneers Forbes, Ewart & Figgis said.

CTC leaf also witnessed a strong demand with a sales percentage of 100 out of the offered quantity of 20,500 kg. Brokens and Fannings was firm to dearer following quality. Kerala and upcountry buyers lent useful support, while exporters demand was subdued in this particular variety.

  • Also read: Drop in production affects tea arrivals at Kochi auctions

The dust market was strong with a sales percentage of 94 out of the offered quantity of 5,49,179 kg. The market for good liquoring with black appearance was dearer by ₹2 to ₹4, while the rest was irregular and lower. All blenders together absorbed 63 per cent of the total CTC quantity sold.

In orthodox dust, primary grades were higher, while seondaries were lower, witnessing some withdrawals. There was active participation of exporters, absorbing bulk of the quantity.  

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