BCIC announces new office bearers for the year

The Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce (BCIC) has announced new office bearers for 2024-25. Vineet Verma, Director, of Brigade Hospitality and Managing Director of World Trade Center will be taking over as the new president. Prashant Gokhale, Managing Director, Buhler India Private Limited is elevated to Senior Vice President. BCIC will announce the new vice president shortly.

Vineet Verma currently oversees the hospitality business of the Brigade Group which includes hotels, clubs, and food courts. Vineet is the MD of WTC Trades & Projects Pvt Ltd which manages World Trade Centers in Bangalore, Kochi, and Chennai. He is also the vice president of the Karnataka Tourism Society set up to promote Tourism & Travel in the State in association with the Government of Karnataka.

Prashant Gokhale has been the president of South Asia and managing director of Bühler India since 2015.

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