How To Use Tarot Spread To Improve Your Love Life

Love is considered one of the strong emotions, but at the same time – people still feel doubt and anxiety; that is why they use tarot cards. In its simplest presentation, the tarot is a set of seventy-eight cards with artwork. These cards are divided into two distinct categories: The Major Arcana is 22 cards which drew into key incidents or forces; the Minor Arcana likewise contains 56 cards, which are grouped like the cards in the standard deck, and these imply the cyclic rise and fall or ordinary existence.
The true meaning of tarot is contained in the greater sphere, in the art of the reader as a wonderful narrator who can seamlessly combine the interpretations of the drawn cards and shed light on the density of one problem.Tarot exposes the potential of the hidden part of the human psyche and the potential of the development of perception. For this reason, lovers turn to tarot cards to receive information about concealed sides of mutual understanding and explore various layers of human emotions to face all love problems.
In matters of the heart, one of the simplest tarot spreads that can be used is the single card spread. Incredibly basic but incredibly powerful, this spread requires the deck to be shuffled, the querent to focus on the question they are asking, and then the querent to draw a single card. The meaning of this card is to provide a summary or an overview of the essence of the main concern or factor related to the question.
For example, if one asks, “What is the nature of my current relationship?” the Hierophant card is drawn. The conventional nature of the Hierophant suggests that the relationship is grounded in tradition and commitment. On the other hand, if the Tower card appears, the meaning of disaster and upheaval would be a cautionary message, indicating that too many conflicts and tensions can result in a painful parting.

Digging Deeper

For those wanting more detailed information, a three-card spread reveals a relationship’s chronology. The first card in this spread is the past influences or root causes, the second is the present situation, and the third is the future direction or potential outcome. Suppose you ask, “What is my future with Patrick?” the cards drawn are the Lovers, which stands for passion and unity; the Eight of Cups, which is about abandonment and withdrawal; and the Ten of Swords, which is about endings and loss. This reading would imply that the relationship with Patrick started with love and passion, but the current situation may be characterised by emotional or physical distance between the two partners. The future might bring a final and bitter separation if this split continues.

The Ten-Card Spread

For those interested in delving deeper into the intricacies of love and relationships, the Celtic Cross spread is a tradition held in high regard throughout the years. As a ten-card spread, this layout is complex and provides a broad and detailed perspective on the matter in question. The first card shows the core issue or the current state of affairs, and the second card reveals the opposition or difficulties that may be encountered. The third card reveals the causes and the subconscious factors that have led to the situation, and the fourth card shows the events that have occurred in the recent past that have contributed to the situation.
The fifth position in the Celtic Cross spread reveals the best thoughts or actions to follow for the desired outcome, while the sixth position gives an understanding of the factors that will most closely affect the future. The seventh card shows how the person concerned views the situation or how he or she feels about it, and the eighth card reveals the forces at work in the outer world that may affect the situation.
The ninth card in this complex spread shows the hopes and fears entwined within the core of the issue, and the tenth card hints at the possible result if the current course is maintained.
To demonstrate the extent of this spread, let us examine an example of the answer to the question, “What is the future of Maya’s relationship with me?” The first card drawn is the Hierophant, which means traditions and obedience, which means that the basis of this relationship is traditional marriage and family. However, the second card, the Five of Pentacles, indicates the existence of some form of financial or material difficulties and challenges that the couple will face.
The third card drawn is the Six of Swords, which suggests that there was a previous situation in which a clear and firm decision was made to cut the ties and start a new life, which may impact the current situation. The fourth card, the Knight of Wands, indicates that the previous period of the relationship was associated with the elements of adventure, passion, and enthusiasm.
Continuing to the next card, the Two of Pentacles implies that the best way to proceed in the future is to balance, prioritise, and divide the tasks and aspects of life and the relationship between them. The sixth card, the immediate future influences, may provide additional information on the particular difficulties or possibilities that may be encountered in the near future.
As we move further into the analysis of this complex spread, the seventh card reveals how the person sees the situation and their approach to it, and the eighth card shows the outside factors, the social, family, or environmental factors that may affect the relationship from the outside.
The ninth card indicates the positive and negative aspects of the individual’s expectations and concerns regarding the relationship and the dreams and phobias that shape the relationship. The tenth card is the final major arcana card, and it shows the outcome of the actions that are being taken, which is a good way of telling people to be careful of what they are doing in order to get the future that they want.

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