FMC gets registration for Isoflex active and Ambriva herbicide

FMC, an agricultural sciences company, has received registration in India for Isoflex active and Ambriva herbicide for use in wheat.

A media statement said Ambriva herbicide, powered by Isoflex active, presents a novel mode of action in wheat. Isoflex active is classified by the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee (HRAC) as a group 13 herbicide.

Quoting Ravi Annavarapu, FMC India, and South-West Asia President, the statement said: “At FMC, we have rigorously tested Ambriva herbicide in wheat over multiple seasons, observing consistent performance against Phalaris minor. We believe that Ambriva herbicide will contribute to a healthy crop by providing growers with a new and effective tool to control Phalaris minor, which has become resistant to other herbicides.”

It said that Ambriva herbicide powered by Isoflex active and metribuzin will support wheat farmers, especially in the northwestern regions of the Indo-Gangetic plains, where Phalaris minor poses a significant challenge to crop yield potential.

Isoflex active is registered in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China and Great Britain, the statement added.

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