How Saturn Affects Our Love Life And Relationships

In Vedic Astrology, Saturn is a special planet and has the power to influence the compatibility of two individuals for marriage and partnership. Also known as ‘Shani Dev’ in our Vedic tradition, Saturn is one of the most powerful planets that impact our life and karma.

Knowing Saturn

Saturn is the sixth planet in the solar system and is the second largest planet in the solar system after Jupiter.However, what makes Saturn quite unique is that it moves across the sky at a very slow pace. Saturn takes nearly 30 years to go through one zodiac sign, making it the slowest-moving planet in the zodiac. Due to this slow-moving energy, Saturn’s influence remains with us for years, sometimes even decades.
Saturn in Vedic astrology is linked with characteristics such as restriction, limitation, patience, hard work, duties, responsibilities, and karma. In fact, Saturn is known as the ‘Lord of Karma’ because he rules the results, good or bad, of the karmas of this birth as well as the past births. Saturn’s lessons are often bitter and painful but are designed to assist the soul’s growth over many incarnations.

Saturn and Relationships

In matters concerning marriage and relationships, Saturn’s role is crucial in deciding long-term compatibility between two prospective partners. The position of Saturn in the horoscope of the bride and groom and the strength or weakness of Saturn in the two charts determines the happiness of the couple’s marriage.
If Saturn is strong and well placed and if it is placed in the 7th house of marriage in both the kundalis, then it is clear that the two people have very good, favourable past life karma. It is, therefore, likely that their marriage will be stable, secure, well-founded and long-term. Saturn will be beneficial in this aspect, and there will be maturity, wisdom, patience and mutual understanding between the partners.
But if Saturn is weak or placed in certain bad houses or aspects in one or both the horoscopes, it becomes a big hurdle and creates problems for their married life from the very beginning. This means that the couple has a lot of negative and unresolved karma from past lives that will continue to manifest in this life. Their marriage may be often characterised by conflicts, emotional stress, lack of trust, separation and even thoughts of adultery or divorce.

Saturn in Various Houses

Let us look at some specific examples of how Saturn’s placement can make or break a relationship’s compatibility. If Saturn is placed in the first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh or ninth house for both partners, it is beneficial for their conjugal happiness. Their relationship will be strong enough, committed enough, and long-lasting enough to overcome any rough patches that may occur. The couple will have a realistic and practical approach to life and the capacity to face challenges as a couple with experience and reason.
On the other hand, if Saturn is placed in what are considered ‘difficult’ houses like the 6th, 8th or 12th for either the bride or groom, it means that the couple will definitely have to go through some serious karmic challenges and problems in their married life. They may be experiencing constant quarrels, long goodbyes, feelings of betrayal, cheating, separation, or even divorce in their relationship.
Another significant aspect is Saturn’s placement and power for both partners at the precise time of their marriage ceremony. Suppose the position of Saturn and its planetary period is auspicious for the bride and groom during the marriage. In that case, it greatly improves the positive energy and prosperity in the marriage from the very start. On the other hand, if Saturn is weak or in a negative position for one or both partners at the time of marriage, it can bring lots of problems and difficulties for the couple right from the beginning of their married life ahead.

Influences on Saturn

Saturn also forms various aspects with other planets, which are also significant in determining the compatibility of couples for marriage. For instance, if Saturn is in the difficult aspect, such as opposition or conjunction with the fiery, aggressive Mars in either partner’s chart – it can turn the husband into an angry, short-tempered man who may verbally or even physically abuse his wife during the marriage.
Likewise, a negative influence or association with the nodes Rahu-Ketu, which are considered to be the seductive nodes associated with Saturn, is also considered to be quite detrimental to a happy, committed marital relationship. It could mean that the couple experiences many emotional disconnections, cheating behaviours, or long periods when the husband and wife are apart.

Saturn and Solutions

One of the biggest relief valves that have been incorporated into the system is the concept of the ‘Sade Sati’, which is a concentrated seven and a half years of life when Saturn transits through the three most difficult houses for a person. Once a person has gone through and comes out of this Sade Sati period, it is said that one has cleared major karmic dues and’ burdens – not only for this birth but for many past lives as well. In the case of a married couple, their relationship becomes much better, and they experience stability, happiness, and prosperity in their life after going through the Sade Sati purification.
Performing special Pujas and worshipping Lord Shani or Saturn through rituals, charity, and devotion are other effective ways of minimising the adverse effects of this planet on one’s married life. Having a certified Shani yantra or talisman, donating black things like black til or sesame seeds, chanting the powerful Shani Chalisa devotional prayer, and most importantly, not eating and drinking anything on Saturday fasts observed every Saturday are some of the ways believed to appease this powerful form of karma and justice. When pleased, Shani Dev is extremely auspicious for relationships.

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