Shravan Purnima: 6 Rituals for spiritual growth to fully embrace the Blue Supermoon |

Shravan Purnima is a day filled with spiritual significance, cultural traditions, and familial bonds. The exact customs and rituals may vary by region, but the essence of devotion and celebration is universal.
On August 19, 2024, a rare celestial event known as a “Blue Supermoon” will occur. This phenomenon combines two special lunar events:
A Blue Moon refers to the second full moon within a single calendar month.Despite its name, the moon does not actually appear blue. The term “Blue Moon” is more about its rarity rather than its color. A Supermoon occurs when the full moon coincides with its closest approach to Earth in its orbit. This makes the moon appear larger and brighter in the sky than usual.
Here are 5 powerful activities and practices you can consider to make the most of this special occasion
1. Moon Gazing and Meditation
Spend time outside, preferably in a natural setting, and simply observe the Blue Supermoon. This is one of the best activity for emotional healing…
2. Meditation
Engage in a quiet meditation, focusing on the energy of the Supermoon. This is a time to connect with your inner self, setting intentions, and letting go of anything that no longer serves you.
3. Set Intentions and Manifest
Use the powerful energy of the Blue Supermoon to set intentions for the coming months. Write down your goals, dreams, and what you wish to manifest in your life. The Supermoon’s energy can amplify your intentions, making it a potent time for manifestation rituals.
4. Release and Let Go
Full moons are traditionally associated with release and letting go. Reflect on any habits, thoughts, or relationships that you need to release. You can write these down on a piece of paper and then safely burn it as a symbolic gesture of letting go.
5. Cleansing Rituals
Cleanse your living space and your personal energy. This could involve smudging with sage, using crystals like selenite, or taking a salt bath. Also you can cleanse your crystals. Place your crystals under the Blue Supermoon to cleanse and recharge them. The moonlight is believed to enhance their natural properties.
6. Gratitude Practice
Take time to express gratitude for the blessings in your life. Acknowledge what has come to fruition and give thanks for the experiences that have shaped you.
By engaging in these practices, you can harness the powerful energy of the Blue Supermoon to enhance your spiritual journey, personal growth, and overall well-being.
The article is written by Tarot card reader, Theta Healer and Reiki Master Aditya Nair.

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