Nautapa 2024: 9 days of severe heat to begin from Saturday, temperatures may reach 50°C in many places | Precautions during extreme heat

Heatwave Red Alert Issued During Nautapa 2024: North India is currently experiencing intense heat, with a red alert issued by the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) for several states. The nine-day period of extreme heat, known as Nautapa, begins tomorrow, May 25, and will continue until June 2. During this time, temperatures are expected to soar, with some areas potentially reaching close to 50°C.

Why does heat increase during Nautapa?

Scientifically, the increased heat during Nautapa is due to the Sun’s position. Between the last week of May and the first week of June, the Sun is directly over Central India, minimising the distance between the Earth and the Sun. This results in more direct and intense solar radiation, causing severe heat.

Nautapa 2024: Affected regions and temperature forecasts

All states in North India are currently struggling with scorching heat. The temperature has exceeded 45°C in Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Gujarat, making it difficult for people to venture outdoors. The worst-affected region is Rajasthan, where Barmer recorded a temperature of 48°C on May 23.

Nautapa 2024: Temperature may reach close to 50 in Rajasthan

Barmer continues to be the hottest city in the country for the second consecutive day, with temperatures reaching 48.8°C on Thursday. The India-Pakistan border near Jaisalmer has seen temperatures as high as 53°C. The Meteorological Department predicts temperatures in Jaisalmer and Barmer could reach 49°C on May 26 and 27, potentially hitting 50°C. In Sri Ganganagar, temperatures are expected to be around 48°C on the same dates.

Nautapa 2024: Precautions during extreme heat

These are some essential precautions to take to protect yourself during this period of extreme heat:

1. Hydration
Drink at least 4 to 5 litres of water daily to prevent dehydration.

2. Diet
Consume a liquid-rich diet, including buttermilk, curd, lassi, coconut water, and lemon sherbet. Also, eat plenty of fruits.

3. Avoid Outdoor Activities
Minimise exposure to the sun. If you must go out, drink water before leaving and carry a water bottle.

4. Protective Clothing
Cover your body fully, especially your head, and wear sunglasses.

5. Safe Drinking Water
After being in the sun, avoid drinking fridge-cooled water; opt for pot-cooled water instead.

6. Dietary Caution
Avoid spicy, oily, and junk food. Consume freshly cooked, light, and easily digestible meals.

7. Medical Attention
Seek specialist advice if you experience any health issues.

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